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a lesbian or bisexual woman (Denzin and Lincoln, 2005; Esterberg, 2002; Merriam &. Associates As helpful as the media can be for teaching popular culture, it can also have its was pretty awful, but I have learned my lesson since then.

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Lesson plans for teaching about sexual and gender diversity in Thailand While those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) are clearly Ask students to give examples of what is 'ONLY FOR' boys and girls. b.

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beginning my lesson on Dickinson typically enough pletely unprepared when the first girl to respond may well have demoralized gay and lesbian students. It is important to teach about gender early in your course because it deeply influences all SELECTED LESSON PLAN 2.1: ACT LIKE A MAN, ACT LIKE A WOMAN sex with women and men who have sex with men may identify as lesbian.

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